Duo Show (Self-Defense) is a discipline in which a jutsukas with a partner show possible self-defense techniques that cover the following scenarios: grip attack (or strangulation), embrace attack (or necklock), hit attack (punch or kick) and armed attack (stick or knife). Competitors are judged for their speed, accuracy, control and realism. It is arguably the most spectacular form of jiu-jitsu competition and it requires great technical preparation, synchronism and elevated athletic qualities. The jury shall look for and judge the following criteria:
- Powerful attack
- Biomechanical Principles
- Control
- Effectiveness
- Attitude
- Speed
- Variability
The scores are given from 0 to 10 (1/2 number interval) by five judges. Three scores get counted cause highest and the lowest scores are taken away to avoid mistakes.
This competition is even attractive for people not involved in martial arts. Fast and spectacular actions are shown. Precise kicks and punches, dynamic throwing techniques and powerful locks are performed by the contestants.